
Dobby weavinghook |hardware |44loom |56 inch|75 inchloom loomheald frame |Textilemachine |dobbytap fittings| multiloom parts |GA615loom type |1511loom loom |1515K| textile machinery| textile equipment


Xinxiang Xinda Textile AccessoriesCo., 1511, 1515 and GA615type loom accessories and equipment,providemulti arm tap fittings, multiloom parts, textile machineryparts,textile, hardware, textile porcelain pieces, polymerparts,textile equipment,textile and leather, wood, yarntube,

comprising 44 inches, 56 inch, 75 inch width loom, leather, leather, picking stick andauxiliary machinery accessories, Engaged in second-hand weaving machinery equipment swap. The pursuit of single-minded! Professional achievement!
- 上一篇:织布机踏盘轴(中轴)齿轮E2
- 下一篇:1511织布机配件及器材