Huixian Xinda Textile Machinery Parts Co., Ltd. provides 1515 weaving machine accessories 4120 oil bearing bushings (liners) and 56 weaving machine 4101 triangular belt disc bushings. The iron-based bushings of the weaving machine are generally made using powder metallurgy processing technology. The parameter dimensions of the oil bearing bushings 4120 are: inner hole diameter is 40mm, outer diameter is 50mm, wall thickness is 5mm, width is 20mm, and each triangular belt disc uses one 4120 weaving machine bushing.
The bending shaft diameter of the 1515 loom is 40mm, and the inner hole diameter of the lining used is commonly 40mm. 4101, 4120, and 4122 are combined to form a 4100-2 (V-belt pulley assembly), which is installed on the power side of the loom. During installation, it is necessary to align the shaft holes and then use wooden blocks to cushion and smash them in. The force on both sides needs to be balanced.
The type of lining used in the 1515 loom differs from GA615. The GA615 type 4120 has an inner hole diameter of 40mm, an outer diameter of 50mm, and a width of 74mm (connected to the 0201 V-belt pulley), while the 4121 oil bearing bushing has an inner hole of 40mm, an outer diameter of 50mm, and a width of 67mm (connected to the 4107 crankshaft support foot).
If textile manufacturers in various cities need to purchase textile liners, oil containing bushings, weaving machine accessories, 4120, weaving machine accessories and other products, or to learn detailed parameters and dimensions of 1515 weaving machine accessories and 4120 oil containing bushings (bushings), please contact Mr. Yang of our company for consultation.