Huixian Xinda Textile Machinery Accessories Co., Ltd. provides various types of PU gripper circuit boards EST14.4/SFW11/WAL11/WIS17/PFR13 all year round. They belong to the PU type projectile loom circuit board textile equipment accessories product. The shuttle circuit board (circuit board, electronic control board) is divided into multiple models and specifications, and can be divided into P7100, TW11, PU and other models according to machine models. PU types mainly include EST14.4 circuit board, SFW11E circuit board, WAL11 circuit board, WIS17 circuit board PFR13 circuit board and other specifications.
The above picture shows the WIS17 shuttle circuit board, PU type, domestically produced; The circuit board used in the projectile loom belongs to textile equipment components and is an electrical textile accessory. The quality of the electronic components used in the circuit board determines its quality.
The above picture shows the EST 14.4 chip shuttle circuit board, PU type, made in China. There are various types of textile equipment accessories for the PU type projectile loom circuit board, which can meet the needs of different textile products woven by the PU type Sulzer projectile loom. The PU type projectile circuit board is mainly used for electrical control and operation status display during the weaving process of the loom.
The above picture shows the WAL 11 shuttle circuit board, PU type, made in China; They are packaged in a single cardboard box, and the front panel of the circuit board is the same as the original factory, which can achieve complete replacement, making it more convenient to replace or repair the electronic control board.
The above picture shows the PFR 13sulzer gripper loom circuit board, suitable for PU type and a domestic replacement,Projectile Circuit Board For PU And P7100. If textile enterprises need to purchase textile circuit boards, projectile circuit boards, Gripper circuit boards, sulzer accessories, textile equipment (PU type projectile loom circuit boards) products, please contact Mr.Yang from "Xinda Textile Machinery Accessories" for consultation!