Huixian Xinda Textile Accessories Co., Ltd. provides bevel gear accessories for B31 loom's let through side shaft. Textile bevel gear and loom bevel gear generally use dual parts to transmit power at 90 ° angle. The inner diameter of B31 bevel gear is 24 mm, and there are M8 top screw holes on the side of umbrella wheel. The number of teeth: 36 teeth, gear diameter 92mm, height 3.8cm, modulus=2.54, diameter pitch = 10, which are sent to the loom 3426 or B17 It is connected by side shaft.
The bevel gear of B31 loom and the small bevel wheel of B32 mesh with teeth. The gear is mainly used to loosen and tighten the cloth surface when the loom stops.
The above figure shows the top view of the front and back of the B31 bevel gear. The cone on the upper plane of the bevel gear should be lower than the teeth of the gear, so as to facilitate the meshing of the gear diameter.
The weight of a single textile bevel gear B31 is about 0.43 kg, with 10 pieces in each string. The loom bevel gear B31 is an inner let off accessory, which can be used in various types of shuttle looms, such as 1511, 1515, GA615, etc., and belongs to general (can borrow from each other) accessories.
Xinda Textile Accessories Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of bevel gear, supplier of loom bevel gear, B31 bevel gear processing and manufacturing enterprise.